Friday, July 1, 2011

3 Songs I don't want to hear Sunday Morning

Warning:  The following may be seen as blasphemous and/or unpatriotic.  Internalizing these opinions may result in you getting strange looks or being called names.  Read at your own risk.

Monday is the 4th of July. It is a great holiday.  We celebrate the freedom we enjoy in this great country... and play with explosives.  It is truly an awesome combination.  I thank God for the ability to do both those things, and for the fact I still have all my fingers.  However.... and this is where you may want to leave... there is something I really don't like about the weekend closest to the 4th. In most churches across this land, people will walk into church and sing patriotic songs.

Let me be clear:  I LIKE OUR COUNTRY AND SONGS ABOUT IT.  These songs are wonderful and I enjoy listening to them, especially with fireworks (everything is better with fireworks).  The thing is:  I go to church on Sunday mornings to sing praise to the King of kings, not my country. Play these songs on the 4th, fine.  Play them the Saturday before, fine.  Play them Sunday afternoon, fine.  Play them at your church's summer festival that happens that weekend, fine.  Play them Sunday morning BEFORE church, fine.  Once the worship service has started, STOP!

So now that you've decided that I'm some unpatriotic nut and that you'll never read this blog again, I'll tell you the 3 songs I most dread hearing this coming Sunday.  Each of these is a song that has been sung in a church I was attending on the Sunday near the 4th of July.
  1. The National Anthem. Yes, this has happened. We stood up in the middle of the worship set, and sang the Star Spangled Banner.  For one thing this patriotic song doesn't even mention God.  For another, this song isn't even about our country.  It's about deriving hope from the FLAG of our country.  Singing this song on Sunday morning is about as close to idol worship as you can get, without a carven image or goat sacrifice.
  2. God Bless America.  Gets points for mentioning the Big Guy in the title and in the song.  Then it asks Him to bless America.  For those reasons, it will probably be the most sung song in church on Sunday.   The problem is that is all it has.  The rest of the song is about how cool America is.  The more I think about it the more the song feels like a demand that God bless America for it's coolness, than a plea for God to bless America that it may remain humble.
  3. My Country 'Tis of Thee.  I really do like this song, but it's not about God.  Oh sure, He's mentioned but He's not praised.  There are some requests made of God, but no reverence and no submission.
Now as an extra bonus.  The special music that I fear will be played this Sunday:  God Bless the USA.  This one has even less God in it than God Bless America.  I won't have to sing it, but I'll be sitting there trying to take communion... and my head will explode!

Would some one kindly bring an extra roll of duck tape to church for me this week?  Oh, and a mop.  Thanks.

P.S.  My current church is actually pretty good about this... but slips have occurred.